Background: To report a case of multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) following simultaneous\nrabies vaccination.\nCase presentation: Review of the clinical, laboratory, photographic, optical coherence tomographic (OCT),\nfundus autofluorescent, angiographic, electrophysiologic, and perimetric records of a patient suffering from\nMEWDS. Results: A healthy 33-year-old Chinese female suffering from rapidly progressive visual loss of her left\neye associated with photopsia and a para-central scotoma, seven days after receiving simultaneous rabies\nvaccination. Both anterior segments and fundus examination were unremarkable. The findings on OCT,\nelectrophysiology, and perimetry were pathognomonic for MEWDS.\nConclusions: The clinical presentation and the benign course were consistent with the diagnosis of MEWDS.\nNo other events could be identified as a cause, other than the rabies vaccination. This case may suggest an\nautoimmune basis for MEWDS in predisposed patients.